Its about my thoughts feelings on just about everything, from Advertising to Zoology ..ok haven't gotten that far yet

Thursday, May 31, 2007

NASA - Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching 'Dangerous' Point

NASA - Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching 'Dangerous' Point
Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching 'Dangerous' Point 05.30.07

NASA and Columbia University Earth Institute research finds that human-made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth’s climate close to critical tipping points, with potentially dangerous consequences for the planet.
Antarctica lost much more ice to the sea than it gained from snowfall according to a NASA survey done between 1992 and 2002. It also had a corresponding rise in sea level. The survey documented for the first time extensive thinning of the West Antarctic ice shelves. Credit: NASA/SVS

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