Global Warming - Dramatic Climate Destabilization - wonderingmind42
This is the very best.... let me say this again THE VERY BEST presentation on understanding why we need to do something about Global Warming. The video was created by a high school science teacher in the US. This is what he says about the movie.
"An undeniable conclusion. (Go ahead. . . Try.) WARNING: mature content may be disturbing to some viewers.
For your navigation pleasure, the following is a list of the URLs of the entire "Expansion Pack" of videos supporting the video "How It All Ends." These videos anticipate and answer EVERY OBJECTION OR CRITICISM of the argument contained in "How It All Ends" that the author has ever heard. Unbelievable, but true. Go ahead--take 'er for a spin and see if you can find any holes!
Just click and enjoy! (Or, have the hairs on the back of your neck raised. . . )
The original video and the entire "Expansion Pack" are also available for download as MP4 files, available for editing, burning, subtitling, mashing up, ripping off, making fun of--whatever."
For more videos if you go here Wonderingmind42 on You Tube. There is nothing more I can add that will make this video any better or explain it any clearer, but you should watch this video.. NO YOU MUST!

Labels: Climate Change, Global Warming
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