EO News: 'Remarkable' Drop in Arctic Sea Ice Raises Questions - September 25, 2007: "'REMARKABLE' DROP IN ARCTIC SEA ICE RAISES QUESTIONS"
"Melting Arctic sea ice has shrunk to a 29-year low, significantly below the minimum set in 2005, according to preliminary figures from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, part of the University of Colorado at Boulder. NASA scientists, who have been observing the declining Arctic sea ice cover since the earliest measurements in 1979, are working to understand this sudden speed-up of sea ice decline and what it means for the future of Earth's northern polar region."
Ok they have only been monitoring this for a very short term in the life span of the earth. But not withstanding that it will has serious affects on us. If there is another major influx of fresh water onto the gulf stream then the fresh water will push the gulf stream down and possibly end up turning off the "Conveyor Belt" of the worlds climate system. This is THE major circulatory system for the Earth's climate. Don't think buying a warmer jacket will make a differnce then.