There has been thousands, no hundreds of thousands of pages written on global warming, its effects and how it is going to damage and destroy life as we know it. Depending on your point of view man is 100% to blame for the current crisis, or man is not to blame, but it is a normal circular pattern of the global climate for the last number of eons.
Now I do not know which side is right, personally I think both are right and both are wrong. There is not enough data to say (this may surprise you that I am saying this) that man is to blame, but neither is there enough to say that he isn't. What is REAL IS THAT IT IS HAPPENING, and we can actually effect the results and the actual damages to ourselves and our planet.
From my research albeit done from a layman's point of view (but I would like to think an informed and open minded stance) from man been 100% to blame for the current situation to I would say anywhere between 30-50% to blame. Over the last few years research has come about that has led to some interesting facts, that were once theory.
- Magnetosphere - This is an area that surrounds the planet that in essence protects us from the deadly solar winds that bombard us constantly, and which when the sun goes into its heavy cycle of flares protects us from becoming like Mars. DEAD! For more detailed information on the Magnetosphere and what it is, go to the boys in Nasa they seem to know a bit about space! This image was taken from the National Geophysical Da
ta Center on the pages concerning Geomagnetism. Now you may be wondering why I am mentioning this in an article about Global Warming. Well its because this protects the Earth and its weakening.... Oh no not another thing we have damaged, well I don't think we have anything to do with this, but it is regular every couple of hundred thousand years it gets weaker and lets more of the harmful rays of the sun in.... we get hotter. Now for the last few hundred years it has gotten markedly weaker, this also happened to coincide with the start of the Industrial Revolution and our exponential growth. The weakening is a part of nature and in essence it is a way for the system to reset itself. Now once it goes and resets itself it will be back to almost near full strength but the fact it is weaker now than it has been for the last few tens of thousands of years and lets more and more of the Suns rays in will in effect increase the effect of Global Warming. One of the nice things when it goes is we will have much more Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights all over the planet. But it will heat us up even more, and with Mans own contribution in the over prod
uction of Methane, Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide it doesn't help. Another weird effect is that the magnetic polls reverse, in that North becomes South and vice a versa. Here is a chart on the growth of the number of posts on Magnetosphere English posts that contain Magnetosphere per day for the last 30 days. Also from 2010-through to 2016 there will be a series of major Solar flares which will hit us, when the Magnetosphere is at its weakest. Now this coinciding with an expected increase in Greenhouse Gas emissions and further warming could cause some serious damage to the environment. But I am just a layman what do I know.
- Global Dimming - Now I wrote about this in a previous post on the Effects of Global Dimming produced by the BBC and Horizon team. As stated here an what they discovered is that the effects o Global Dimming in fact actually reduced the Global Warming effect on the planet. But not any more... we kind of cured Global Dimming (which was a major contributor to Bob Geldof making a come back and becoming "sir" because o the World Aid). Global Dimming is (taken from NERC - National Environment Research Council) airborne particles in the atmosphere, released since the start of the industrial revolution, mean less sunlight reaches the planet's surface. These small particles reflect the sun's heat back out to space - global dimming. Remember the whole in the ozone layer?? That was created by all those nasty CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbon refrigerant) these were found in fridges, hairspray etc. well we kind of got rid of them and then this reduced the actual overall effect of Global Dimming. This then had a direct result in letting more of the Suns rays hit us and stay in the atmosphere and heat us up more because there is more Greenhouse Gases now. English posts that contain Global Dimming per day for the last 30 days.

Get your own chart!
There is not need for me to go into any further of mans direct affects on the Environment as these are already well documented. But to be honest with you we really have to make a greater effort in curbing or waste into landfill, recyle more, use less power and more public transport. I know I am one to speak I have done in the last year over 100,000 air miles but I am trying to off set this by almost recycling everything even down to my wormary for organic waste I wrote some small things about how to do even the simplest of things and it can make a difference
Over the coming weeks I will be writing more about the environment and global w

arming issues in a blog over at the nice people there asked me to contribute to their blog.
Global Warming
Global Dimming
Solar Flares
GeomagnetismLabels: Environment, Geomagnetism, Global Dimming, Global Warming, Government, Magnetosphere