Skeptics claiming that Man Made Climate change is nothing but a puff of smoke (all be it carbon ridden smoke >:¬} ) have been delt a blow this week with research published ealier this month from the Institute of Physics.
The research published on Thursday 3rd April states (in was to refute the Channel 4 - UK) piece called "The Great Global Warming Swindle", broadcast in 2007, suggested that global warming is due to a decrease in cosmic rays over the last hundred years.
The new research shows that change in cloud cover over the Earth does not correlate to changes in cosmic ray intensity. Neither does it show increases and decreases during the sporadic bursts and decreases in the cosmic ray intensity which occur regularly.
Now I am infact a proponent of Global Warming is happening but it is also caused by a huge range of events, from Man Made, Cylical, Decrease in Magnetosphere etc. But I do think that while most politicians are now claiming that there is a problem, they are still doing nothing or atleast very little about it. There are many things we can do to atleast reduce the affect of the Man Made elements, and at the same time lead mankind to a better healther future. But most politicians are looking for the 8 second sound bite and no real concrete planning (environmentally friendly concrete ofcourse).
The one thing I am worried about it is that there could be so much fear mongering that stupid things will be implemented, billions of Euros wasted and nothing much done. But I heard an interesting interview a few weeks back on George Hook with a man who was not disputing Global Warming (will get the refence to it later in a talk back) but was saying that we could do so much more for people now in the very short time with a fraction of the investment and see instant results, whilst at the same time put inplace proper medium planning to help reduce the effects of the possible future clamity which is very hard to stop now.
But what it did do was raise a excellent point in that with politics and media clamouring end of the world and oh woe claims this puts things into context and atleast opens the debate in a planned way and what we can actually do. In otherwords everything should be run through a "Cost Benifits Analysis". Spend 50 billion on neculear power plants and they take 10 - 15 years to build and only start to reduce Carbon productions in 25-50 years (after you take the actual build into consideration) or reduce direct taxation on wages and increase the tax on heavey carbon producing products, yes you are giving to take away, but atleast the general mass's will not suffer in the process too much and there is direct correlation to the increase in tax take to planning and development of proper public transport.
Subsidise fully or almost fully energy saving products for the home, either by grants or through tax breaks. Here again there is direct benifits and instant. House's will cost and use less to heat thus there will be less requirement for power production.
There are a whole host of simple things that can be introduced but are not Sexy so they don't get the chance or airing but they should.

Labels: Economics, Environment, Geomagnetism, Global Dimming, Global Warming, Government, Magnetosphere
Other links to this research finding no correlation between solar cosmic rays and cloud cover.
3:37 PM
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