Petrol Service Stations been misleading in their pricing
Over the years the price of Oil/GAS/diesel/Petrol has fluctuated greatly and when it was in the .50-.70cents per litre people did not complain nor notice much. But the pricing in the stations was never shown as .50 or .60 but more like 050.9 9 with the 9 been very small.
Now when I go to fill up my tank what used to be every 2 weeks, it is now almost every week. The price is €1.42.9. What the hell is the extra .9 Why can't they be honest and say its €1.43. Instead they know that when we drive up to the station we only see in the very big sign €1.42 and the .9 is small and we do not notice it or register the extra almost extra cent per litre. With over petrol stations in Ireland and the average of 18,000 litres of petrol and diesel per week that equals an additional hidden revenue of €9,199,008 (average of 18,000 litres x 52 x 1,092 stations). Hell place this money directly into research in our universities per year and we may see some results.
An excellent site for pricing across Ireland is
Some previous posts on this topic:
The Price of Oil going to cause the next Global Recession
Use Sunlight to Make Fuel From CO2

Labels: Alex Rant, Economics, Government, Oil, Recession
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